Președintele rus Vladimir Putin a fost eliminat din expoziția de vinuri a celebrei crame Cricova din Moldova. Potrivit The New York Times, sticlele de vin și fotografia lui Putin au fost îndepărtate din vastul complex de tuneluri subterane care se întind pe mai mult de 120 de kilometri sub viile din nordul capitalei moldovenești, Chișinău. […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Moldovan winery Cricova has made headlines by refusing to sell wine to Vladimir Putin after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, showcasing a powerful symbolic act of resistance against Putin's actions.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Moldovan winery Cricova has made headlines by refusing to sell wine to Vladimir Putin after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, showcasing a powerful symbolic act of resistance against Putin's actions.